Friday, September 23, 2005

Everything I learned about writing a novel, I learned from running marathons.

Everything I learned about writing a novel, I learned from running marathons.

If you go out too fast, you’ll be exhausted at the end. Others around you may go out too fast. Ignore them.

Sometimes, you have to go at it alone. There may not be anyone on the roadside cheering you on.

You can only worry about the step you are taking right now. You can’t run mile 14 while you are running mile 2.

Neither can you write your acceptance speech for the Booker Award if you haven’t finished the first draft.

You can’t put forth effort without taking in nourishment. Food for the body, food for the soul and information for the mind. Read, reflect and research.

It gets tiring and even a bit boring in the middle. Get through it anyway.

There are people who are faster than you.

There are people who look better that you.

But no one else can run your race, and no one else can write your work.

It’s all about endurance. And that’s something you can build, it’s a skill.

There is no feeling in the world like finishing.


Erica said...

That is a great post! SUbmit it to some writing magazine, please!

Anonymous said...

Hello, do you think if the great King Soloman were an elderly contemporary he would say; blog, blog blog..."all {is} vanity and vexation of the spirit" Ecc. 1:14 ?? The marathon is but vapor.