Friday, April 14, 2006

Summer Reading, coming soon.

Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?
-- Henry Ward Beecher

Half Price books had a special this week, if you buy thirty dollars worth of books, you get a nifty, huge, totebag in lovely spring colors like purple, green and bright light blue. Naturally, I found that the Easter Bunny really needed to do some shopping there and amazingly, mananged to spent thirty dollars.

Unfortunately, that translates to I have an even higher stack of "to be read" books. On top of the list, that is always growing. The one thing I am glad of is that swim team practice starts in earnest next week. I'm thinking that I'll have an hour and a half each day at the pool to catch up on the reading list. That seems to be a better use of time than trying to squeeze errands in, with traffic in that area at 6 pm being what it is. Nothing like reading at the pool.

Except reading on your very own nifty back patio.


CottonSr said...

I spent 40 there last month, even $3 books, on up to $11. Read three of them already and marked with paper clips things I may include, some already have, in my writings.

I'm better now. I still stay away from bookstores, and a couple of weeks ago, ventured into Barnes and Nobles, but walked out after wanting every book in the little enclave at the very beginning.

Illiah said...

I got the purple. I think I could tote the dog in it, it's so big. Has a great quote...Let it go.